As we know, most Black parents have that "special" talk with their children, especially their Black sons, about what and what not to do when encountered by law enforcement officials. The "Talk" as it is commonly referred to in the Black community, is all too common and routine, and a foreign discussion or concept for many Americans. When I was a kid and adolescent growing up in inner-city Cleveland, my parents had the "Talk" with me. Interesting, at the age of now 43, because I travel a great deal, my 78 year old mother still has the "Talk" with me from time-to-time. She like many other Black mothers is scared for my safety as I step outside into a dangerous world, she is especially fearful of interactions I might have late at night as I drive down dark back roads in small towns and on the highways. Each time she (my Mom) expresses her fear, I tell her I know the routine-always be respectful, most courteous, and compliant to the instructions of law enforcement officers, and most importantly I always place both of my hands on the steering wheel in plain site if a law enforcement officer stops my vehicle. One more important instruction, from the "Talk," make no sudden moves or movements with any parts of your body. These folks are the keys to survival for Black males in America. Carrying out the instructions and teachings of the "Talk" often ensures that you make it home safely to your loved ones on a nightly basis. The "Talk" is present in my physique and conduct everyday-it flips on like an automatic switch engrained in my DNA on a daily basis. It is second nature at this point.
So many of us, Black males that is, die before we reach the age of 44 due to a variety of circumstances. I'm months away from age 44, if I have anything to say about it, knowing that I'm just leasing this body from God, and knowing that I can be evicted with or without notice at any time, I'm going to do my best to keep living my life fruitfully, productively, and as fearlessly as possible. Despite the application of the "Talk" in our daily lives, I wonder why so many Black males are still getting shot and injured, and worse dying from encounters with law enforcement?
I know that we should gather relevant facts and not rush to judgments, but one haunting thing that Diamond Reynolds states in her high stress contemporaneous stream of consciousness in the fake of the police shooting of Philando Castile, is that Philando informed the officer that he (Philando) was licensed to carry a concealed weapon, and that he was complying with the officer's instruction to retrieve his driver's license and CCW permit, but was still shot dead. We can debate the events in Minnesota, none of us other than Diamond Reynolds and her young child were there, but assuming arguendo that Diamond's factual account is true, why did compliance with lawful instructions result in the loss of Philando Castile's life? This is hard to wrap one's head around.
Leaving events in Minnesota for the moment, I came across footage of an unfathomable police shooting that recently took place in North Miami, Florida. Charles Kinsey, a therapist, working with an agitated autistic patient outside their facility, was shot while laying on the ground with his arms outstretched, with his client in front of him sitting down, Mr. Kinsey begged police officers to deescalate the situation. Despite his pleas to his client to remain calm, and repeatedly telling the responding police officers that the patient only had a toy truck and not a gun in his hand, Mr. Kinsey was still shot! Fortunately, Mr. Kinsey was shot in the leg, and will hopefully make a full recovery. The situation could have been far worse, Mr. Kinsey could have lost his life as a result of this encounter.
The video is out there for the world to witness and judge. I encourage you to fully watch the video. Here's a link to it:
Link to North Miami Officer Involved Shooting of Charles Kinsey
What the hell is going on in America! Folks, we truly have a significant problem with police involved shootings, and lack of employment of de-escalation techniques by police departments. We can't keep wallpapering over or placing a Band-Aid over our problems as a nation on this issue. Let's seriously work on this issue. Here, you have a truly unarmed, compliant, and defenseless Black man who still gets shot senselessly. Why should this happen? Even after employing the techniques many of us are taught in the Black community to manage police encounters in the form of the "Talk," Charles Kinsey gets shot and injured anyhow. Despite doing everything correctly, and in full accordance with the "Talk" playbook or blueprint. Thank God for video!
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