Thursday, August 11, 2016

George Zimmerman 2.0?: 20 Year Old African-American Man Gunned Down In A Raleigh North Carolina Neighborhood

Courtesy of CNN.
Recently, Kouren Thomas, a 20 year old African-American man, was gunned down by a white man in a Raleigh, North Carolina neighborhood.  The transcript of the 911 call to Raleigh police is quite disturbing.  Chad Copley, the shooter apparently shot through his living room window at Mr. Thomas.  The white shooter has been charged with first-degree murder for his actions.  The link below provides insight to this yet again tragic,
senseless, and unnecessary killing of a young unarmed Black man:  

A spokesman for the Thomas family dubbed Copley as George Zimmerman 2.0.  Let's see how this case proceeds. 

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